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Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams is comprehensive review of all tested material on major nursing school entrance assessments, including the TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, and Kaplan nursing school entrance exams. It provides focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science--plus special guidance for older students who are making the transition to a career in nursing. This highly effective preparation tool features:
* 2 complete practice tests
* Diagnostic exam
* Detailed answer explanations
* Focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science
* Admissions information and resources.
* 2 complete practice tests
* Diagnostic exam
* Detailed answer explanations
* Focused review and practice for math, reading comprehension, and science
* Admissions information and resources.
This textbook can only be purchased through a student booklist. Please visit My Booklist to get started.