Faculty Resources
You can view required and optional course materials for any course with our custom courselist builder. If you have any questions or need to request an instructor's copy please reach out to us: bookstore@otc.edu.
If your course requires pairing digital courseware or you need Canvas assistance there is a wonderful support team in OTC Online to assist with this process.
Online@otc.edu || 417-447-8200
Simple Seated Set-Up & Canvas Help Videos
What is CAI Talk? This is a repository for teaching knowledge, tutorials and resources.
AutoAccess makes interactive and adaptive digital course materials automatically - day 1 accessible - while drastically reducing the cost to students. We have upgraded our textbook model to improve access and affordability with the technology of today, and the future.
For syllabus information specific to your course or support information please email autoaccess@otc.edu.
OpenOTC designates courses participating in offering Open Educational Resources (OER) to students. OER can be defined as teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student, or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world.
Source: https://openeducationalresources.pbworks.com
Visit the library for additional OER information.
Verba Collect is a tool that is used to gather adoption information and push it to the student booklist. If you have not received a link to your selected courses or have questions on availability and format options please email bookstore@otc.edu.
You will visit the Verba Collect portal to submit your adoptions or follow the link in your personalized reminder email.
The adoption deadlines are coordinated with the Registrar's office. If you are a decision maker for your department’s course materials you are responsible for ensuring your semester adoptions have been submitted by the deadline. We can assist with providing review or desk copies. We understand changes do come up last minute so please reach out with exceptions.
We are always available for a meeting to discuss course materials goals: Schedule an appointment
Things to consider:
- Do not allow yourself to be pressured by a publisher to make a decision
- Consider the content & reach out to us if you're unsure if the edition may be readily available for students
- Partner with DSS & Bookstore to ensure Student Accessibility Compliance
- We are partners in affordability - we can search for alternative formats and negotiate with publishers for the best value