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Morton Publishing Company
Pharmacy Calculations, 6e, provides pharmacy technician students and professionals with the tools necessary to learn the types of calculations commonly encountered in community and institutional pharmacy. The content of Pharmacy Calculations, 6e, includes material covering the knowledge areas within the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE) and Exam for Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT).This book is clearly written, accurate, and easy to understand. It can be used in a classroom setting or for independent study to develop a careful and systematic approach to pharmacy calculations and can be used as a study aid for the PTCE and ExCPT exams. It aligns with the Fifth Edition of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Model Curriculum for Pharmacy Technician Education and Training Programs and the 2020 content outline for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Examination (PTCE).Features:? Carefully worded explanations are direct, easy to understand, and mathematically accurate.? Clearly stated Learning Objectives highlight key concepts for each chapter.? Clearly defined Key Terms are provided.? Full-color photographs and illustrations support the concepts.? Rx boxes provide helpful hints and reminders.? Many examples throughout the text guide students through the calculations.? Adequate space is provided for students to work through problems.? A 40-question practice exam is provided with problems similar to those found on the national certification exams.
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